By Matthew Vadum on 3.21.09 @ 8:44AM. Did the fact that Canada has a socialist, government-run healthcare system --similar to the kind that President Obama wants to ram down the throats of Americans-- kill acclaimed actress Natasha ...... She didn't arrive at a specialized hospital in Montreal until about four hours after the second 911 call from her hotel room at the Mont Tremblant resort, according to a timeline published by Canada's The Globe and Mail newspaper. ...
Didn't Congress just get back from a long month's bvacation/b? So, why isn't Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's head in the game? Or rather, why is her head in the sand? along with the mainstream media and most notably, Charlie Gibson, ... Matthew bVadum/b, Big Government: Breaking (Update): Hill's Leading Nonprofit Watchdog Sen. Charles Grassley Demands ACORN Probe Zena Crenshaw, Big Government: ACORN Scandal: Will Harshbarger Intervention Make or Break the ACORN? ...